natural cures for high blood pressure -Natural ways to lower blood pressure

>> Monday, December 1, 2008

High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the leading predictors of an early death for the western population. A person with a higher than average blood pressure will be at increased risk of an early death from stroke heart failure or a heart attack. If you have high blood pressure in addition to other conditions such as diabetes then the outlook is even worse.

Hypertension is a silent disease; people with high blood pressure usually don't feel any different from any one else. We often see some one going red in the face with effort or from stress and say that their blood pressure is up, but it can be raised without any outward symptoms. The lack of overt symptoms of high blood pressure is why the doctor should check your blood pressure at every visit.

High blood pressure is defined most widely now as anything over 140/ 80. In practice it is the lower number that matters, the baseline pressure your blood vessels are always experiencing. This number is ideally seventy, it is considered high at eighty, with lifestyle choices are usually addressed at this point, and treatment is more aggressive once the bottom number reaches ninety.

Taking some lifestyle measures and using some natural treatments can very often avoid drug treatment.


Yes, smoking is blamed for all ills in our modern age, and most smokers will be able to tell you about one relative or another who lived to 103 and smoked every day since they were twelve years old. A simple test can show what smoking does to blood pressure. Take your blood pressure, or that of the smoker, before a cigarette and record the result. Now have a cigarette, or allow them to and recheck the blood pressure. It will have risen considerably. Stopping smoking is one of the greatest gifts you can give your health.


Just thirty minutes of activity three times a week has been shown to reduce blood pressure. This does not need to be heart pumping, sweat inducing, lung bursting activity. A simple walk will suffice. The walk should be brisk enough to be a slight effort. Simply increasing what is called incidental activity counts as well. This involves getting off the bus a stop early, or off the lift a floor early, or just parking a little further from the entrance to the mall.


If you are overweight dropping ten percent of your present weight will reduce your blood pressure. This does not mean become a model size ten or less. It means drop ten percent of your present weight, so if you are two hundred pounds and lose twenty then you may still be considered overweight, but you will have dropped your blood pressure.

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